Watch the trailer:
Friday, January 25, 2008
'There Will Be Blood' Movie
'Untraceable' Movie
Watch the trailer:
Thursday, January 24, 2008
'27 Dresses' Movie
Watch the trailer:
Friday, January 18, 2008
'Mad Money' Movie
Queen Latifah, Diane Keaton and Katie Holmes are co-conspirators in a scheme to steal cash from a bank in “Mad Money.”
Watch the trailer:
Friday, January 11, 2008
'The Orphanage' Movie
BelĂ©n Rueda in “The Orphanage,” a psychologically involved ghost story out of Spain from the director Juan Antonio Bayona. Watch the trailer:
Monday, January 7, 2008
'The Bucket List' Movie
The title's meaning is explained in the trailer:
This movie was better than I expected in terms of the plot. as it maintained a good balance between comedy and pathos. Jack Nicholson was his usually hammy/funny self but quite moving in the dramatic moments. Morgan Freeman gave his usual good performance, once again proving he's one of our finest actors. What a team they made as they learned to trust and help each other to accomplish their goals - the bucket list - before their time runs out. There's some life lessons here that aren't buried under the laughs aplenty.
I have to admit that I cried during a Jack Nicholson movie. It hit home for me because the Freeman character reminded me of my father who passed away in 2006. Both quit school at a young age and were self-educated, became mechanics, loved racing cars, crossword puzzles, and watched Jeopardy all the time. We took Mom with us but I hid my tears and didn't mention the similarities, and neither did she. I was afraid of her reaction since they were married for 63 years but she enjoyed the movie too. It's not every day you see a film that makes you laugh and cry at the same time. But isn't that what a good movie (and life) is all about?
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Some Of The Best Movies of 2007
It was easy to choose 2007's worst movie from those I've seen. Picking a best one from theatrical releases is difficult because I liked so many for different reasons. I haven't seen as many as I wanted and those neglected ones will have to wait until offered on DVD. I'm not fussy about genres but I avoid films like Saw where victims are terrorized, tortured, and dismembered. These films are labeled Torture Porn and certainly not my idea of entertainment.. Alfred Hitchcock, the Master of Suspense, must be rolling over in his grave knowing how his legacy was distorted & degraded.
I'm not a snob in watching only small, arty (sometimes arty-fartsy) movies or foreign films. I enjoy the commercial/blockbuster too - as long as they're entertaining. I think entertainment is the key word. There are different ways to entertain an audience. Any movie that makes you laugh, weep, scared, think, and most important, makes you talk about it in a positive way after you watch it is worthwhile. And that includes talking about a bad movie. Sometimes you will spend more time trashing a bad movie than praising it since you can't get a refund.
It's easier to write a bad review but I'd rather write a good one. I do read reviews because even bad ones offer some insight into the subject or the writer. I've gone to see movies that were trashed just to see if I agreed with the writers. Sometimes these movies aren't as bad as warned (Goya's Ghosts... actually good/not great) and sometimes they are worse ( Other than Georgia Rule, an example escapes me... Was Aeon Flux released in '07?) Nobody ever sets out to make a bad movie. Sometimes things go wrong during the creative process (casting, script, direction, personnel problems, etc.) and we pay for the result. But I love movies and go to them with good expectations and try to be open-minded even after reading negative reviews.
I compiled a mixed list in no particular order and NOT from earlier entries that I think are better than average and issued on DVD or soon. Watch the trailers:
1. La Vie En Rose French film about the legendary singer Edith Piaf featuring one of the greatest performances by any actress and who deserves all awards. Possibly my choice for best film of 2007. Not a linear biography but quite moving. Even my 89-year-old mom had no trouble reading subtitles and following the story of Piaf's tragic life & lovelife and early death:
2. Breach A cat & mouse drama about a rookie agent, Ryan Philippe, smoking out a high level traitor in our government so chillingly played by Chris Cooper:
3. The Host A Korean horror film about a sea monster attacking a village. A scary & funny warning about ecological disasters and government mishandlings. Better than a Godzilla flick:
4. Eastern Promises Another pairing between Director David Croneberg & Actor Viggo Mortensen. A Russian Mafia in London drama featuring one of the most gruesome fights even filmed:
5. Stardust. A wonderful fantasy for all ages about finding your goals, highlighted by Michelle Pheiffer as a witch seeking to regain her youth and Robert DeNiro as a pirate with a 'secret.' Whimsical & charming and filled with magic spells:
6. Hairspray A fun musical with terrific dance numbers. Pheiffer plays another kind of witch here. John Travolta in fat drag playing mom to a powerhouse of a newcomer, Nikki Blonstein, is a hoot. The rest of the cast is great. A totally entertaining & energetic movie:
7. For an action/chase film, it's a toss between The Bourne Ultimatum and Live Free Or Die Hard Both prove that some sequels are just as good or better than the originals. Both Matt Damon & Bruce Willis are at the top of their game. Bourne3 has edge-of-your seat suspense and claustrophobic fights. Die Hard4 has impossible action scenes mixed with Willis's comic quips so take your pick.
8. Evening An all-star cast headed by Claire Danes, Vanessa Regrave, Meryl Streep & Glenn Close in a sensitive movie that was better than the novel. All about friendship, lost loves, and secrets spanning the years. Not to be dismissed as a chick flick since I wept at the end. Forget the Spice Girls; this is the real "Girl Power":
9. Moliere A French film based on the playwright's life using 'incidents' from his youth that became part of his plays. A witty, clever, and funny costume drama as only the French know how to make:
10. Dreamgirls I saw the original Broadway show & cast in '81. The movie grounds the drama about the rise of a Diana Ross/Supremes-like group in a more historical setting. The musical numbers are always moving as well as the cast, including Eddie Murphy as a James Brown/Wilson Pickett/etc.-like singer and another powerhouse of a newcomer, Jennifer Hudson, whose big showstopping number almost blew me out of my seat and earned her a Best Supporting Oscar. Many thought Murphy was gypped of one in that catagory:
'National Treasure: Book of Secrets' Movie
Watch the trailer:
For a movie lasting over two hours, it was well-paced and the time flew by without dragging. I never saw the first National Treasure so I didn't know what to expect but it wasn't necessary since you learned enough about the characters in the first few minutes. It's easy to dismiss this movie as an updated Indiana Jones clone and that's why I avoided seeing the first one, but there's plenty of thrills and laughs for it to stand on its own. The plot about a missing page from John Wilkes Booth's diary is far-fetched but hey it's only a movie! So sit back and let the fun begin.
Nicholas Cage is charming as the brainy hero and lets his co-stars share the spotlight and funny lines. I haven't seen Diane Krueger since Troy where she played a Helen more wooden than the fabled horse. She got into the spirit of the story and her character well enough to hold her own against the seasoned cast including Jon Voight and the always superb Helen Mirren as Cage's squabbling parents.
OK OK I was wrong about avoiding the first National Treasure. Now it's time to rent it.