Saturday, October 27, 2007

'Gone Baby Gone' movie

Today we caught a late matinee for a movie that's getting great reviews, considering who is the director. Before I elaborate, watch the trailer here:

Ben Aflfeck directed this startling film about a Boston private eye hired by the family of a missing child and whose interfence is not wanted by the police. Affleck caught a lot of flack over the 'Bennifer' publicity and made some bad movies. He laid low for a while and redeemed himself portraying TV's Superman George Reeves in Hollywoodland and avoided another media circus by quietly marrying Jennifer Garner, his 'Daredevil' co-star. Now he chose to direct and co-script this small movie starring his brother Casey who is very good here. The deeper Casey investigates, the more his leads take him on a dark journey through what's not the tourist sections of Boston and nearby. The more he learns, the worse it gets for him, and his relationship with his gilfriend/partner, and  dealing with the good guys & bad guys (men AND women). Who the real good guys are is another mystery that unfolds.

   This movie has everything going right for it. It looks like a big production but it cost less than what you would think. Big brother Ben must have learned from being in Hollywoodland  featuring a private eye over his head in unraveling a mystery not wanted to be solved. Here he is in control with a self-assurance not found in most first time directed movies. He's from the area and uses locations well. Little brother put his trust in big brother's vision and shines with confidence. The rest of the cast slips easily into their roles and keep sucking you into the imploding plot.  Ed Harris is the standout among many other fine performances. The movie ends with a moral dilemma involving most of the cast and kept us debating it for a while after we left the theater, drained from the tension and suprises along the way.  This is a dark, ugly movie but will reward you with its seductive power. Imagine a Law & Order: SVU episode without network censorship and you get the idea. Kudos to the Affleck brothers who had a lot riding here and succeeded admirably.

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