Sunday, November 2, 2008

'Ashes of Time Redux' Review

Tony Leung Chiu-wai as the blind swordsman in Ashes of Time Redux. Watch the trailer:

As much as I like Chinese films, I won't recommend this one unless you are a rabid fan of its director Wong Kar-wai. I own two of his films and tried watching one of them. 2046's complex plot and subtitles needed more attention than my sleepy head could afford so I saved it for later. Chungking Express sits unwrapped but is supposed to be more accessible. As for Ashes of Time Redux, it was a chore and not a labor of love for me sitting through this one. The visuals were exciting but you needed to take notes to follow the plot's time shifts and repetitions. At times I wasn't sure which character was who. OK OK I won't make any jokes about all Asians looking alike but you get the idea.... Some films need multiple viewings to be understood as one critic mentioned he needed two sittings to understand the plot. Don't ask me to rehash it because I'm not sure. That's why DVDs can be watched many times and this one needs an audio commentary. Perhaps it will be dubbed in English to make it easier going.
The film was made in 1994 and this version is restored, re-edited, and digitalized. Having not seen the original, I'm guessing it was more confusing. How much of an improvement is this new version? The reviews have been wildly mixed for Redux. There are some swordfights but they are too hastily and choppily-edited to please fans of Hero, House of Flying Daggers, and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. You might enjoy it for its ravishing visuals, but bring your score card. This movie was more exhausting than entertaining. Here's an article about the production:

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